The Towers of Fury
The Towers of Fury (Evyrtaan Sabban, Samilar Drudach, Faiths Ward, Calimport) is a temple complex to Auril, Malar, Talos, and Umberlee. After centuries of attempting to appease the Gods of Fury and centuries more of their temples all being destroyed in fits of godly (or more mortal) pique, Syl-Pasha Djenispool had this temple constructed in the Year of the Worm ( 1356 DR). While its attendant priests bridled over having to share holy ground with other faiths, the alliances among the Gods of Fury (and the risks involved with directly destroying another god's temple and faithful in such close proximity to one's own temple) keep this temple complex standing behind a curtain wall built off the Samilar Drudach wall.